
Ceramic industry quality solution provider

As a sino-italian joint venture specializing in the production and management of ceramic pigments, we have been focusing on the development and production of high-quality ceramic pigments for many years

Rich experience

professional production
Paint for 12 years

Strength '

Ceramic pigment per year

technology innovation

A number of patents
cooperation technology

environmental protection

No added net taste
low aldehyde

About ICC
Founded in 2008, FOSHAN HUAYI CERAMIC COLOURS CO., LTD is a sino-italian joint venture company specializing in the production and management of ceramic pigments. It has been focusing on the development and production of high-quality ceramic pigments for 13 years. Its performance and products performance have been rising steadily, and it is well known in the industry.
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Architectural Ceramics

Domestic Ceramics

Sanitary Ceramics


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