
16/5000 The ICC participated in the international ceramics exhibition in dhaka, Bangladesh


Bangladesh is expanding its ceramic tile, sanitaryware and tableware production as demand for ceramic products increases and exports of ceramic products increase. According to the Bangladesh ceramics production and export association (BCMEA), the market size of its ceramics industry is currently about $400 million, and production increased by 200% in the five years from 2012 to 2017. According to the above data, the ceramic 

industry in Bangladesh is experiencing the highest growth in its history. Facing such a large market demand, how can ICC Colours not share a piece of soup? From December 5 to 7, 2019, the dhaka international ceramics exhibition, Bangladesh, was held at the dhaka basudara international convention center as scheduled. CERAMIC EXPO BANGLADESH is one of the famous professional exhibitions in BANGLADESH organized by the CERAMIC manufacturers and export association of BANGLADESH. It is held every two years.



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